Knitting large works uses a lot of the skills I enjoy. Working with my hands painting, knitting and woodworking, and listing to podcasts, albums and novels while I do it.

I start with photographs and produce a large, detailed grid that I draw and paint over until I am happy with the design. Nothing is ever set in stone and the plan will often morph and warp over time as I get bored with the long process of knitting the piece, or come up with a new ideas as I go along.

The process of knitting is mediative and takes time, but also sows the seeds for the next piece, or the next series of work. I have so many ideas and sketches, I will only be able to achieve them by using knitting machines. However, at present, I still keen on producing them by hand with each knot passing through my fingers.

The work I am currently knitting is a reflection of memory and how it distills and distorts over time.

Iā€™m knitting on unceded Jagera & Turrbal Country.